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A Few Ideas

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(based on 138 reviews)

Boredom is the enemy of education. These resources aim to give students an engaging, fun way into topics that are relevant to their lives, including awkward ones like sex education, and informing about issues that are shaping the world and their future. My hope is that they help be an effective tool to the teacher to wake up a hunger for knowledge in students, and that everyone in the classroom would have a more enjoyable and enriching experience because of their use.




Boredom is the enemy of education. These resources aim to give students an engaging, fun way into topics that are relevant to their lives, including awkward ones like sex education, and informing about issues that are shaping the world and their future. My hope is that they help be an effective tool to the teacher to wake up a hunger for knowledge in students, and that everyone in the classroom would have a more enjoyable and enriching experience because of their use.
9.11, Terrorism, War and Peace

9.11, Terrorism, War and Peace

This lesson has been a long one in the making. Having found resources from all over the web, edited my own video compiling footage from 9.11 and interviews from Geroge Bush and Osama Bin Laden, this lesson aims to give as an impartial view of 9.11 as possible. It includes neo-conservative explanations for 9.11, to Noam CHomsky esque critique of American Foreign Policy that Michael Moore would be proud of, and even allows al-Qaeda to explain their opinion. Obviously it makes explicit that targetting civilians is never, under any circumstances, acceptable, but tries to explain that 9.11 was a complicated event with historical, cultural, social and religious causes using a redacted and edited document which summarises complicated historical commentary into a digestible PDF. It even includes a brief mention of conspiracy theories for those more inquisitive students. Above all, it encourages critical thought and human compassion. A wide range of differentiated and extension activities here. Learning Questions: What was 9/11? How did it cause a war? Why did the the USA and al-Qaeda say it happened? Ext: Why do you think it happened? Independent, group and whole class activities included to bolster engagement and learning. There’s enough for at least 2 lessons here. But I’m selling it as one, because I’m nice like that.
The Just War Theory

The Just War Theory

A lesson designed to explore the Just War Theory in a collaborative, group work activity that emphasizes team work. This leads on to a creative activity where students create a poster, poem or rap to exemplify the Just War Theory’s 7 aspects. Learning Questions include: What is the Just War Theory? Do I agree with it? Why? Differentiated learning outcomes included, which evaluate why Christians may or may not agree with the Just War Theory. All activities are clearly explained in the Powerpoint, and a variety of extension activities for more able students are included.
Causes of War

Causes of War

A lesson that explores the learning questions: What causes war? Is war ever justified? Using a game students explore in teams of 6 the possible causes of war, and evaluate if they are worthwhile. Differentiated learning outcomes and links to youtube videos included, this lesson has been tweaked over a course of 5 years into something that works for me in the classroom. It includes guided discussion and debate topics, as well as some religious opinions in the form of Augustine’s just war theory. Any necessary instructions included in the powerpoint notes.
Jihad: Muslim Attitudes to War

Jihad: Muslim Attitudes to War

A lesson that explores Muslim attitudes to war through Jihad. It explores the greater and lesser jihad, and gets students to collaboratively piece together what Jihad actually is whilst debunking the myth that it means ‘holy war’. Closer to ‘righteous struggle’ this lesson aims to draw comparison with the Just War Theory and help to see how in some ways it is more progressive than the JWT (avoids hurting plants and animals) and in others more religious (must be ordered by a religious leader). It also compares modern conflicts to Jihad, and the ways it has been misused. Learning Questions include: What are Muslim views to war? What is Jihad? How might Jihad be misinterpreted? Extension tasks included, as is a wordsearch starter for students to have a quick win at the beginning of the lesson to build learning engagement.
Nuclear War

Nuclear War

This lesson explores Nuclear war: the affects of nuclear weapons, if they can ever be justified, if there are any specific examples students know of, and how Christians might respond to the idea of nuclear war using the just war theory. SEND worksheet included, and a variety of extension activities (including how to make a peace crane) are included. As well as this, youtube videos and plenty of discussion activities, as well as an online ‘nuke map’ which explains how a nuke would affect the area you are, anywhere in the world. I know, right? An amazing resource. Learning Questions: What do Nuclear weapons do? Can Nuclear War ever be just? Are there any examples you know? How may Christians respond to Nuclear war?
Religious Attitudes to Capital Punishment

Religious Attitudes to Capital Punishment

A differentiated resource, complete with worksheets and independent a scaffolded role-play task where students take on the role of Muslim, Christian or Atheist response to Capital Punishment. Intended to enable students to explore their own opinions about Capital Punishment using religious views as a springboard, this resource should stretch and challenge a range of ability levels. 1.What do Muslims and Christians say about Capital punishment? 2. How do people in the same religion disagree with each other? EXT: Why do people in the same religion disagree with each other?
Drugs: What and Why

Drugs: What and Why

A resource to explore what drugs are, their effects, and why people take them. It includes some videos (some KS3 appropriate, some KS4 appropriate) which are gritty without being disturbing. Also included here is a good 25 minute documentary about drug use filmed at Liverpool royal hospital which gives an excellent insight into the effect of drugs and addiction generally. If that's not enough, a couple of resources (pages 11-19 on the pdf) with information about specific drugs and their effects. Learning questions include: Drugs: What are they? Why do people take them? What dangers are there? What is the law regarding drugs? How should we respond? Great for PHSE, Religious Studies, Citizenship and Sociology
The Causes of War

The Causes of War

A differentiated resource to help students explore the causes of war, why war exists and if they think it will always exist. This resource includes a board game with cards for students to engage in team work and discussion with each other. The key learning questions explored are as follows: Key questions What causes war? Is war ever justified? Great fro Religious Studies, Citizenship, History or Politics groups, suitable from KS3 and up.
The Just War Theory

The Just War Theory

A lesson to help students explore the Just War Theory and evaluate if they agree with it or not. The lesson includes a group task for students to explore 'JAILSAP' - an anagram for the 7 reasons for war. It includes independent learning, extension tasks, and even a chance for students to make a rap that encompasses the theory. There is also an example rap, composed by yours truly, for general educational and engagement purposes. Key learning questions explored are: What is the just war theory? Do I agree with it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the theory? Reviews gratefully received
Science and Religion: The Big Bang

Science and Religion: The Big Bang

A lesson for KS3 students to get their heads around the Big Bang and if it is compatible with religious beliefs. Can one believe in God and the Big Bang? This includes videos about the big bang, the size of the universe and a short powerpoint with pictures of earth to play while students enter to create that SMSC 'awe and wonder' feeling. Also included are instructions in the PPT on how to teach and youtube links. Learning Questions: What is the Big Bang theory? What is my opinion about how the universe was created? Is it possible to believe in religion AND science? Great for SMSC, Religious Studies, and Science and Religion modules.
Religion and Science: The Creation Story

Religion and Science: The Creation Story

A powerpoint, with flash embedded slides that narrate the creation story and youtube videos discussing different opinions on the creation story. This lesson aims to encourage debate and students to explore their own opinions on creation, evolution and if the two theories could be compatible. An SEND alternative included here too. Learning Questions and Objectives: Comparing the Big Bang and Christian ideas of Creation (Level 3-4 Commmunicate) With scientific understanding of the Big Bang, is it still possible to think of a creator God? (level 4-5 Enquire) Why is there something rather than nothing? (level 5 Evaluate)


A lesson which aims to mythbust many of the global misconceptions about Islam which has led to widespread islamophobia. It focuses mainly on the UK but is globally relevant, and aims to expose the media bias against Muslims, how a tiny minority of people who claim the title of ‘Muslim’ have taken control of the narrative of what it is to be Muslim, and how we can address this. Learning questions include: Identify the meaning of Islamophobia? What are some of the myths surrounding Islam and Muslims? What would be an appropriate response? Why is Islamophobia on the rise? It includes a range of activities, from group work, discussion, individual writeen work and youtube videos. Tasks are differentiated by outcome, and is currently targeted at KS3-4 students. With tweeking it could easily be made into a KS2 resource, as it also includes Muslim art for students to make an anti-Islamophobia wall. I have intentionally put too much into this so you can prune out whatever you wish to.
Entire Elderly and Death Scheme of Work

Entire Elderly and Death Scheme of Work

This is a sensitive topic for many students, and this attempts to include the personal reality of old age and death whilst sensitively exploring the ethical issues around assisted dying/euthanasia. 28 files, including presentations, activities, debates, research tasks, a cover lesson template, word searches, clips and an assessment. Ideal for GCSE RS students. Including: Issues faced by the elderly religious (Christian and Muslim) attitudes to the elderly (resources here which can double as revision resources) euthanasia (and religious attitudes to euthanasia and suicide) care homes hospices revision lessons assessments Debate topics Feedback always gratefully received.
Entire SOW: Religion in the UK with SEND parallel resources

Entire SOW: Religion in the UK with SEND parallel resources

A whole scheme of work on Religion in the UK, which includes a parallel SEND SOW as well. 30 files, including powerpoints, marketplace resources, videos, lesson plans and worksheets, as well as youtube links in the PPTs themselves. The links to the 2011 Census are included in the powerpoint notes so you can personalise your lessons to your locality, and Manchester is used as a case study in the multicultural segregation that occurs in cities (i.e. Muslims/Christians/Jews/Hindus/Sikhs congregate together.) Six lessons in all: 1) Identity: What is 'Britishness' anyway? (challenging xenophobia) 2) Religion in the Stockport & Manchester 3) Humanism in the UK 4) Judaism 5) Religion in the UK 6) Islam in Manchester/Stockport 6b) Islam is good (anti-islamophobia) 7) 'Natural' spirituality: The Case study of Findhorn 8) Assessment (creative dialogue) SEND: 6 lessons which follow the above but exclude Findhorn.
Self Esteem and Sex and Relationships Education Scheme of Work

Self Esteem and Sex and Relationships Education Scheme of Work

A set of 9 lessons about some of the most awkward stuff a teacher can try to teach. There are presentations, worksheets, online links and assessments all included here and plenty to personalize, adapt and tweek. Including: Self Esteem (4 Lessons) Pornography and Puberty Condoms Sexting Homosexuality and Christianity Break ups
Fundamental British Values and Global Citizenship

Fundamental British Values and Global Citizenship

4 Resources
6 lessons which explore democracy, mutual respect, tolerance, rule of law and liberty through a variety of lenses. Aiming to hit PHSE, SMSC, Citizenship and FBV targets this scheme of work is pretty ambitious. The lessons include: A personal perspective: where are we looking from? Uncomfortable histories: how has britain not lived up to FBV in the past? Money and Exploitation: how money is used and abused in meeting FBV Cultural Variations: Is our way the right way? Ways Forward: So how can we improve the situation? FBV and Global Citizenship Assessment Lessons include differentiated activities, group, pair, whole class and individual work, with a wide variety of videos and tasks to be getting on with. Students tend to enjoy these lessons.
Israel Palestine Conflict

Israel Palestine Conflict

This is of course a notorious issue for one that sparks conflict between groups. These 3 resources: a powerpoint, Prezi and roleplay try to help students empathise and understand both sides of the conflict without siding specifically on either one. The lesson objectives are: What is the conflict in Israel and Palestine about? What are the different responses to it? What do you think is the best response and why? There are about 4 hour long lessons worth of activities here with varying levels of difficulty: from role plays, youtube clips of varying degrees of debate (the hardest being the 15 minute clip by John Pilger, Palestine is still the issue). It's really worth putting this into context with the history of the formation of Israel (which this clip is quite good at, but I don't think very accessible to KS4 but more KS5 level https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wo2TLlMhiw). There's a simplified version in the powerpoint. It's excellent for world politics, terrorism and extremism, SMSC, PHSE, Religious Studies. I really recommend you watching the clips first if you can, and getting the students to engage with them. I usually get the students to watch the clips and do the roleplay in one lesson and then do more research written work in the next. The roleplay has 24 separate individual roles (sorry, I ran out of steam, i nearly made it to 30!) which vary in nationality, religious belief and is a very useful way to get students to empathize. If you have more than 24 people I recommend you let students chose their relationship to the families (aunts/siblings/grandparents/friends etc.) It also really helps for me to remember to ask questions rather than tell students they are wrong if they bring in extreme(ish) opinions from home (of which Arab and Jewish families often do pass on to their children). Prezis, if you've never used them, work just like powerpoints: you make them full screen and then just press the right arrow on your keyboard. Good luck in teaching this lesson with informed sensitivity, kindness, and with hope for a peaceful resolution!
SEND inspiring people Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi and Nic Vujicic

SEND inspiring people Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi and Nic Vujicic

A set of 7 lessons, including assessment, about inspiring people, including Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Nic Vujici, Aun San Suu Kyi and Gandhi. The Lesson on Nic Vujicic involves watching this clip, which is inspirational AND funny. It's 45 minutes, so will take up most of a lesson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJvEoLPLIg8 My lot loved it. Enjoy.
Gandhi and the Caste System

Gandhi and the Caste System

This lesson is designed to be adaptable to the needs of your class. It can build on previous knowledge of Gandhi, and works best if that is the case, but can also be used as an introduction to Gandhi’s teaching and life. (To this end, I’ve included a link of him burning the passes and his famous non violence speech that followed it, which are both short and excellent insights into his teaching and philosophy. On non violence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKzKj_8CO2g Burning of the passes (ahimsa):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50gNryy9JnA) It includes extension tasks for able and talented, and differentiated activities including ethical dilemmas, youtube videos, group discussions, treasure hunts as well as written tasks. A broad range of activities, in my experience, always bosters engagement. (there is a need to print 10 slides here) The lesson aims to remind students’ of Gandhi’s teachings and inform them of the Caste system. There is also a short video about Narayanan Krishnan, an inspirational Hindu who has disregarded his Brahmin caste to help untouchables or down and outs in Indian Society. 2 differently worded Learning Objectives here for lower and higher ability or age groups: To remember who Gandhi was. to explain what the caste system was. To know Gandhi’s opinion of the untouchables. To develop and evaluate my own opinion about the caste system. To empathise with people who are in the caste system. Or, for KS4, All will be able to explain what the caste system was, and why Gandhi was against it. Most will be able to relate the situation to contemporary issues re: jobs and status. Some will be able to explain why the caste system became a source of prejudice and discrimination.